Non Functional Testing

Evaluate the performance, reliability, scalability, and usability of your software applications to ensure they meet specified criteria and user expectations beyond their functional requirements.

What is Performance Engineering?

Performance Engineering (PE) is an end-to-end application performance testing process. It enables ‘shift-left’ performance testing and ‘shift-right’ performance monitoring.

What this means is shifting performance and load testing into the development life-cycle, not merely post-development as traditional performance testing does.

PE utilises application performance tools to monitor applications through their development life-cycle. PE is a cross functional process incorporating multiple teams from Dev to QA as well as business analysts, ensuring the user experience is included as part of the performance criteria.

PE includes traditional performance testing such as load / stress / stability within its processes.

How can Performance Engineering be of Benefit to you?


With Infuse’s help, your organisation will be able to release software faster, and more often by knowing that non-functional issues have been addressed.


Performance and Scalability go hand in hand. With greater visibility over your software’s capacity, Infuse help provide you with a clear understanding of what work needs to be undertaken to effectively scale up your production to meet consumer needs.


With performance engineering, stakeholders will have greater visibility and confidence in the reliability of your systems and software, helping protect and maintain your organisation’s image through defect prevention.

Speak to an expert!

Infuse has over 20+ years experience helping organisations create and optimise their software testing, ensuring their software works better, faster and smarter. If you want to learn more about how Infuse can help you, book in a call with us today!