October 11, 2023

Revamping Your Testing: 4 Steps To Success

Have you ever contemplated modernising your organisation’s testing procedures? If so, it’s time to take those ideas and turn them into a reality. But don’t just aim for small, incremental changes; envision a complete overhaul of your testing team’s culture and operations. A genuine transformation should involve substantial shifts that provide an opportunity to establish an entirely new testing environment.

Naturally, the more ambitious your vision, the more challenging it might be to implement. However, don’t be discouraged by this. Instead, focus on executing a well-planned transformation that allows you to achieve your objectives quickly and with minimal risks. To make this happen, you should adopt a strategic approach that includes:

Step 1 – Grasp the Vision

Your organisation’s vision for transforming testing should be the cornerstone of your plan. Whether it’s about outperforming competitors, increasing profits while keeping prices competitive, or achieving a bug-free production environment, these ambitious objectives have significant implications. Neglecting these implications can spell disaster for your transformation. Typically, organisations address their vision by introducing agile practices, building pipelines, shifting from manual to automated testing, and investing in automation tools. While each of these steps is a step in the right direction, isolated actions can lead to issues such as slow product launches, technological improvements without corresponding profit growth, or persistent bugs in production.

To steer clear of these pitfalls, make sure to:

  • Define meaningful objectives
  • Set clear success criteria
  • Develop a comprehensive transformation plan
  • Measure the progress of your implementation
  • Incorporate tools and best practices from the Continuous Testing Framework.

Step 2 – Transform Your Vision into Specific Goals

The responsibility of shaping the vision for your testing transformation lies with you. It’s crucial for success to identify key stakeholders who align with your vision. Engaging the right people and utilising a framework will enable you to translate your vision into specific objectives and capabilities. Given the wide range of testing technologies, from automation to performance testing, it’s vital to select the capabilities most relevant to your organisation.

Embark on your testing transformation by:

  • Turning your vision into actionable objectives
  • Identifying your most significant software delivery challenges
  • Linking capabilities to the most critical business impacts
  • Defining the business impact and the urgency of each process improvement.

This process will help you define specific goals for your transformation.

Step 3 – Evaluate and Identify Value

Once you’ve outlined your objectives and capabilities, it’s time to evaluate the value of the improvements you intend to make in your testing process. Whether your goals involve more frequent product releases, improved testing efficiency, or quicker defect detection, it’s crucial to quantify the value of these improvements.

To gain support from management, create a compelling business case by identifying influential metrics, showcasing calculations that substantiate your claims, and crafting a persuasive presentation. This should include:

  • Developing a reliable model for calculating return on investment
  • Emphasising the business benefits and value
  • Leveraging data to make well-informed decisions.

Metrics should encompass annual cost savings, speed improvements, efficiency gains, cost-effectiveness, faster defect detection, and cost reductions.

Step 4 – Plan, Implement, and Monitor Progress

Now that you’ve established your transformation strategy, selected the necessary tools, and assessed the value, you need to map out the specifics of how you’ll achieve your objectives. For example:

  • If your goal is to increase the number of releases, consider reducing test cycle or execution times.
  • To enhance testing efficiency, think about increasing your automation rate or reducing false positives.
  • For faster defect detection, you might reduce the meantime to detect or increase your execution rate.

Choose a suitable project for testing your new approach, whether it’s a single application, product, or project. Opt for an iterative approach rather than attempting a large-scale transformation affecting multiple projects across your organization.

To ensure a successful implementation:

  • Establish a baseline for your teams to understand where your transformation begins
  • Prioritize capabilities and teams
  • Continuously monitor and evaluate progress using appropriate metrics.

By following these steps, you can effectively lead your organisation’s testing transformation, achieving your objectives efficiently.

If you need any help with modernising your software testing practices then please book a consultation with us here.