Clearing is an intense business period where huge loads are placed on the telephony network, internal infrastructure and social media platforms for UK Universities.
It is imperative that call handling, communication, as well as messaging between call handler and the student is flawless, thus ensuring the business opportunity in clearing is realised for maximum benefit for all parties.
How do Infuse help universities get ready for clearing?
In 2021 and 2022 Infuse worked with Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) to test their telephony and multichannel systems in the run up to clearing. During testing Infuse found an issue that would have caused a potential 74% call failure!
QMUL enrolled more students than planned, with zero outages of their telephony and multichannel systems.
Watch QMUL present how they were “Getting ready for clearing” at the UCISA22 Leadership Conference
Learn in this presentation here from the UCISA22 Leadership Conference with Rupa Dey (Assistant Director, Change Delivery at QMUL) and Nalin Parbhu (CEO of Infuse) how QMUL handled clearing in 2021 and plan to handle clearing in 2022, including:
- How QMUL setup its soft phone systems for Clearing and how it will adapt it in 2022
- How QMUL baselined the benefits case for the investment to verify and validate that their clearing systems are fit for purpose
- How QMUL setup the systems to mitigate and automated the test process
- The outcomes from the validation process and risks mitigated in 2020 and 2021
- The business benefits from the investments made and the lessons learnt to date
Click here to watch the presentation.